Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hello Friends!

In Japan, I have written so many text everywhere, But all of these are in Japanese, for Japanese.
So maybe you don't know me.

So I will start with self-introduction first. 

My Handle name is Wildcat. It is related to 3Dlabs (VGA maker.... already collapsed.)
I have play UO over 9 years, My main character in UO is named Vessel. He is one of Humakti (Priest of Humakt, If you want to know Humakt, see here

I am an around 40-year-old male, and have taken up computer-related work. Sometimes I should communicate with oversea people, I can do reading and writing in English.... already you guys know it is not so good, But I think enough.
Since I was taking charge of hardware technology-related work, especially RMA, I can repair  mother board, etc. 
Moreover, I go to Taiwan well by the nature of my work. 
The lengthier stay for two months and the technical training for one month were given in the past. 
Since I cannot speak Chinese in that case, I was communicating in English.
If it becomes a situation where only English can be used, English will be spoken also by whom. 

UO side, My character Vessel is "Pure-Fighter", He doesn't have any spell caster skill, Magery, Chivary, Bushido... and so on. He fights with Long sword, Chainmail, and Shield.
He never use "named rare" items. Because it is enough for Monster Hunting.

I have one UO funsite "戦技研(Combat Technic research team)". It is Japanese official UO funsite, you can find the link in here. (Funsite No. is 03004) 

I am being absorbed also in UO-Movie edit the past several months. 
You can see my video in Youtube.

Any Questions, leave your comment!

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